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Guide to Work In USA while Studying- for International and Domestic Students



Guide to Work In USA while Studying- for International and Domestic Students, As an international student in USA  you have the opportunity to have a part-time work while still on the term of your visa.

Know the term and the conditions that are associated with your visa.

And if you don’t know much about your Visa requirement and  restrictions Visit international student immigration center. know more about being employed in US

Employment Rules for international Students

numerous international in the united  state holds an F1 visa which is the U.S. non-immigrant student visa.

The students are allow to work in the United States, but only under certain conditions and in accordance with complex guidelines and restrictions issued by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS).

meanwhile all employment is contingent on remaining within the terms and restrictions of your F1 visa.

There are several categories of employment during the term of your stay as an F1 student in the United States, A nd also before then you have to contact your Designated School Official (DSO).

But if you haven’t, any school official should be able to point you to the right person or department.

Your DSO will help you apply for a Social Security Number (required for all students working in the U.S.) and guide you through the appropriate steps.

you may also like to apply for US student Visa

Remember not work alone as international student some of the staff has to guide you through.

Employment Opportunities for the international students.

There are four ways to you  legally work in US on F1 visa as an international students.

  1. On-Campus Employment
  2. Off-Campus Employment
  3. Curricular Practical Training (CPT)
  4. Optional Practical Training (OPT)

On-Campus Employment

this is one of the most freely available  to ,f1 students  and only refers to works that takes place son the campus.  or educationally affiliated off the campus  location .

on campus employment can be the following :

  • Work performed on the school’s premises directly for your school (including work affiliated with a grant or assistantship).
  • Work performed for on-location commercial firms which provide services for students on campus, such as the school bookstore or cafeteria (Employment with on-site commercial firms which do not provide direct student services, such as a construction company building a school building, is not deemed on-campus employment for the purposes of the rule).  In any event, the employment must be an integral part of the student’s educational program. you may also like to know top countries to study abroad 

as  you start working as  a student you will be subjected to the following rules:

  • You must Maintain valid f1 status l
  • you can only work up to 20 hours per week   while school is in section
  • opportunity to work full time in the school during the holiday  and vacation periods  if you intend to register in the next academic section
  • The employment may not be displaced for example to take  a job outside  the united state.

Off-Campus Employment

The jobs outside the school, are only available to international students who have completed a full academic  year and who have a qualifying academic   hardship or an emergent circumstance.

According to the DHS, a qualifying economic hardship entails “new, unexpected circumstances beyond [your] control,” such as:

  • Loss of financial aid or on-campus employment (if the student is not at fault)
  • Large increases in tuition or living costs
  • Substantial decrease in the relative value of currency the student depends upon to pay expenses
  • Unexpected changes in the financial conditions for a student’s sources of financial support
  • Unexpectedly large medical bills not covered by insurance
  • Other substantial, unexpected expenses

To apply for off-campus employment, contact your Designated School Official (DSO). He or she must approve the reason and recommend off-campus employment as the first part of the application process. You can checkout Stratford university scholarship

Remember that  you don’t have to start working when  your application are still in progress by the Us immigrant custom enforcement . and you have to apply early so can  receive the employment offer on time.

Curricular Practical Training (CPT)

Curricular Practical Training (CPT) this one is on off campus employment ,option you can choose for f1 students. when the practical training is an integral part of the established curriculum. or academic program.

This type is a kind of work and study internship  a cooperative  edition that is offered by sponsoring an employer through cooperative agreement  with the institution that you study in .

To be qualified for this type of employment


  1. You must have been enrolled in school full-time for one year on valid F1 status (except for graduate students where the program requires immediate CPT)
  2. The CPT employment must be an integral part of your degree program or requirement for a course for which you receive academic credit
  3. You must have received a job offer that qualifies before you submit your CPT authorization request
  4. Your job offer must be in your major or field of study

Your International Student Office must authorize you for CPT.

Once you receive CPT authorization, you can only work for the specific employer and for the specific dates authorized (unlike with OPT or severe economic hardship off-campus employment, where you can work anywhere in the US).

CPT authorization will also specify whether you are approved for part-time (20 hours per week or less) or full-time (more than 20 hours per week) CPT employment.

While in school, you can only be approved for part-time CPT.

Regardless of whether you are approved for full or part-time on CPT, there is no limit to how long you can work.

However, if you work full-time on CPT for 12 months or more, you are not eligible for OPT. You can checkout German government scholarship 

Optional Practical Training (OPT)

This one is temporary employment that is related to your field of study

Eligible students can receive up to 12 months of OPT employment.

There are two types of OPT:

  • Pre-completion OPT: This option is available once you have completed one full academic year at a U.S. college or university. You can work up to 20 hours a week when school is in session or full time when it is not.
  • Post-completion OPT: You can apply for this option after completing your studies.

You’ll need approval from your DSO, who will then endorse your application and help you submit it to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

Severe Economic Hardship

Any F1 student suffering “severe economic hardship” as defined by USCIS is eligible to work off-campus for up to 20 hours per week while school is in session, and full-time during breaks.

To be eligible under “severe economic hardship”, a student must:
  1. Be in valid F1 status for at least one academic year (9 months)
  2. Be in good academic standing
  3. Provide evidence of economic hardship based on unforeseen circumstances beyond the student’s control
  4. Show that on-campus employment is neither available nor sufficient
  5. Make a good faith effort to locate employment on campus before applying.


The cost of studying in the USA can be expensive for international students, and really American students as well.

So working while studying may be one of the best option, to reduce the cost of your education and and the same time provide you with applicable work experience. You may also like to study in Canada international admission scholarship 


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