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Ways on How to Grow Your Forum – Get more users on your Community Today



It’s true that you should Know the best way to drive more Customers to your Platform for better Revenue conversion weather you make use of AdSense or other Ads Alternative and this make will help you more on the best Proven Ways to Grow Your Forum Users.

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List of The Proven Ways to Grow Your Forum

We have prove and we have Guide form you to Follow only if you don’t read the below subtopic and You need also to Ask question any way you are not Following up with the Discussion on this page;

  • Create a Great New User Welcoming Campaign
  • Encourage Participation and Sharing
  • Personal contribution, Be Very Active Yourself
  • Elevate members of your forum to special positions
  • Hide Value from Guests
  • Actively Police Your Forum
  • Start a Referral Program

Now, you read the blow explanations carefully …

1. Create a Great New User Welcoming Campaign

The first step to grow your forum and get more users is to create a great on boarding experience. A great welcoming experience can help lock in a new user to your forum. On pretty much every forum software ever made, users have to register via an email address.

This means you can add in a mailing list drip campaign to give them some introductory information, welcoming messages, and some additional value. You can also include a short tutorial video on how best to use the forum.

2. Encourage Participation and Sharing

This is the very much the holy grail to grow forum and increase users. You can create a banner at the top saying “Please it will be kind of you to be active 😘 😘 ” Using weight loss as an example, encourage people to post their progress logs. Establish a protocol; make a post with your basic information and various metrics that should be monitored for progress, like weight, muscle mass, weight lifting capabilities, diet, and so forth. Then set up daily or weekly progress reports, where the user can come in and post about their experience that day or week, and how their numbers have changed.

It helps new users have something to do and some reason to return to keep updating their logs. It helps hold them accountable for their mistakes and helps crowd source improvements. It brings a community in to participate in making everyone’s life better. You can also create a reward system for every user that bring in a new person.

3. Personal contribution, Be Very Active Yourself.

If you want to grow your forum and get more users, you the owner have to be super active, there is no two ways about it. This is key to you winning more docile members to be active. If the shepherd is not strong the sheep will surely scatter. As the owner and admin of the forum, you are in a position of authority. You’re a big part of the reason people have come to the forum. Communities these days tend to gain respect because of the people in them.

People will come to this community for many reasons. Some will come looking for help or for advice. Many will come to engage with and network with influencers, and as the owner of the community, you are one such influence. People perceive that your attention has value, and that means you’re going to have people vying for your attention.

If you’re not around, if you never post, people will lose faith. They came to interact with you and other influencers, but if you’re not around, they feel like they get less value out of posting on your board. The more you can participate, the more people will be willing to stick around and engage with you.

4. Elevate members of your forum to special positions.

This is key in building a successful online forum website. Eventually, a handful of members will stand out as leaders and daily active contributors.

A great way to reward and encourage this behavior is to recognize it in front of the whole community. Bestow your most active users and contributors with special titles

This will help keep on the pulse of the community by sharing ideas and alerting us to anything that we should be paying attention to. It will also make them feel like the forum is also theirs.

5. Hide Value from Guests

I know I’ve registered for many a forum in my day just to see content that I know exists but that is hidden from guests. I needed to register in order to see it, but it was referenced in external sites – blogs and other forums, mostly – so I knew it was there.

The problem with this is that it’s an incentive to register, but not an incentive to post. You still need to combine this method with other tricks to get people to do more than just look at the one bit of content they wanted to see before they go away. Usually, a weekly content digest to their email can help keep them coming back to see interesting things, and that can get them to comment and eventually become an active participant.

The thing here is that you cannot hide ALL of the value of your forum away from people. If no one knows there’s value there, no one will be interested in registering just for a look. You need some publicly visible sections with value and activity, so people don’t have to gamble their time on value.

6. Actively Police Your Forum

You are the policeman of your forum you have to enforce a positive decorum on your forum. Nothing is worse than coming across a forum and seeing very little other than recent spam posts. If your board allows bots and spam access somehow, or if old accounts are compromised, bots can take over and spam it. If you don’t actively take care of it, you’ll lose users and it will be virtually impossible to recover.

Moderation is important for more than just spam, however. You also need to keep slap-fights between users to a minimum, keep hate speech and other such vulgarities down, and generally make sure your board is a pleasant place to read. Arguments and discussions are fine; insults, threats, and doxing are not.

The idea is simple. If a sub-section of your forum gets no activity, it’s not drawing in users. You might as well hide it or move it to an archive, if there’s valuable content in it, so that it’s not giving people a false impression. Meanwhile, you should be opening up new discussion areas for topics that are emerging as hot topics and trends. This helps foster new discussion and draw in new users.

7. Start a Referral Program

The last tip to grow your forum and get more users is to start a diligent referral programs are one of the oldest and most effective ways to get new users to a community. By giving people incentives to get new users in, you get a larger community and a more engaged community. It can also tie into the gamification, if you decide to go that route, or it can simple result in monetary incentives by way of monthly gift card drawings or merch.

You’re going to have to confront the problem of fraud, however. It’s difficult to determine when a referral is real, which is one of the big problems with affiliate marketing. The better the incentive to referrers, the more you will have to combat fraud. I’ll leave the solution to that up to you. This 7 tips will help you grow your forum from a few hundred users to thousands of users even millions. Remember you have to be consistent, its the secret key to every successful forum.

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