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How To Get Customers Online For Your Business Promotion



It doesn’t matter if you ‘re running an offline business or an eCommerce/online business. The advantages of advertising your products online can never be over emphasized…

In other words, the results from marketing your product online is always greater and cheaper to what you can get with the traditional advertisement. We will help walk you through important things to bear in mind when trying to learn how to get customers online for your business.

Without mincing words, there are so many ways you can actually promote your business online and take the advantage of the populous online community. The goods news is that it is not as complicated as people think. Everybody can be a digital marketer with a little commitment and dedication. This is what most people do not know about how to get customers online.

So, what you actually need is an introduction to digital marketing, a smart device and a source of internet network. If you have these, get ready to learn how to take your business to the next level. Follow the guide below to build an effective online presence and strong eCommerce network.

Are you still nervous and want people to see your skills, your local business, or your brand?- This is how to get the customers you deserve online.

List your business in your local directory

Whenever people hear of local business listing, they conclude it’s for a small business. However,local business listing is for both big and small businesses.

In essence, you cannot be targeting potential customers in UK when your business location is in USA. You may actually get such as a customer, but the distance is always a barrier to the services you can offer.

Local business listing is a way to include your business to the local directory so that anybody around the area searching for the product or services can see you on the map.

The local business directory does not only show your shop, it also can capture your business contact, the map to your shop, the opening and closing hours e.t.c.

One of the important local business listing tools is the Google My Business tool that allows you to put you business online without paying a dime. The tool works with google map to make sure that people around can locate your business. Example, if i am new to a locality and i want to get drugs, i can check my google map for the Pharmacy shops around. If you have a pharmacy shop and it is not listed, you will miss out on a potential customer.

Build a website or Blog for your business

The question is, when people see what you do online, how are they going to reach you or see more of your work? A blog site or website is one of the easy ways you can actually show your potential customers that you are competent to do business with.

Also, a website or blog is one of the most effective tool for online business marketing because it is usually a landing page for all other digital or online marketing tools. In other words, you can actually direct your customers through engagement to your website to see similar products, details of the products and properly inform your customers why you are different from other competitors.

However, the only limitation to blogging or website is that it requires you to always engage your customers through good optimized contents. Optimization is the difference why some websites or online stores do better than others. I  will give introduction to what Search Engine Optimization means later in the post.

So many businesses shy away from creating a website for their business because they think it is expensive to maintain. This is what tech geeks have made it look like. But, since the birth of site builders such as Weebly, WordPress, Blogger e.t.c., anyone can host a website and build it through the use of plugins. Hosting a website now is not expensive nor require much coding like before.

Use Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tools

These and so many more considerations with help you to construct a good post. For more on SEO directives, you can Join our free email subscribers to get more details.

Advertisement through Ad campaigns

The word “Ad” is simply an abbreviation for the word advertisement. An “Ad campaign” is simply a set of activities that is geared towards getting an online attraction towards a brand. A brand in this sense can be a product, an awareness, an idea e.t.c.

Ad campaigns are very effective in boosting a business potential both offline and online. One of the most fascinating advantage of running advertisement campaigns is that it gives room for targeting a particular class of people such as age, language,location e.t.c. Consequently, ad campaigns targets the right visitors and customers that are actually searching for your products or services.

There are so many ways and channels of running an ad campaign, it can be through search engines or through social networks. Example of a search engine ad is the google ad and Bing ad campaigns while social networks that can give you better customer conversions through ad campaigns are facebook ads and linkedin ads.

Another interesting thing about advertisement campaigns is that they allow you make daily budgets on how much you ‘re willing to spend for your advertisement.

Get your products to social media

This technique is called the social network marketing. Almost 70% of USA citizens have a smart device, same with other countries round the world. You are reading this post because you have a smart device and i can bet you that you are registered to at least 2 social media networks.

Statistics have that facebook have at least 1 billion visitors every month. Therefore, the best place to get customers is through a social media platform.

Hence, try to create a business page, build followers and share your products and services. There are many social networks that you can target with your products and convert to steady customers.

Having social network is not a guarantee to make a successful social media marketing. The secret is to know how best to attract your customers in each social media. Example, When thinking of targeting customers on Instagram, images are better than writing long notes.

However, you may get your hands full trying to post on each social media or remember the right time to post. Consequently, there are social media managing tools that can help bear the load of marketing your products or services to your customers. Example of these tools includes the Hootsuite, eClincher e.t.c.

Use Email marketing to keep your customers engaged

Any new customer that visits your shop is a potential regular customer. Therefore, what you do with every new customer you come across will go a long way to determine your success on how to get customers online.

Email marketing as the name implies is a way you gather emails from your customer and keep them updated when you have a new product or anything they will need to know about your services. In addition, try to learn from your customers through reviews and feedback on how to promote your brand.

When on email marketing, you will try to tailor down and personalize the messages you send to your customers.  Also,try to know the type of email a customer will value and not bugging the customer with unnecessary messages.

The best way to get an email from a customer is through offers. May be a word like this, “Subscribe now to get a 5% discount” or “Register to receive our free Ebook”. Stuffs like that will entice a customer to register.

Learn from competitors

Competitors in this sense means people who are in the same niche  of business with you. You can learn a lot by taking advantages of their strength and Opportunities. This can be done by observing how they get their own customers, the keyword they rank with, the source of their traffic e.t.c.

In other words, you will hardly grow if you don’t look out for what works out for others and how they make it work. The online business is a global one, you can learn even from people in the same business with you from other countries. You can implement what they do in their country to your own country.

These and many more things you can learn from people on how to make customers online by learning from them.


When thinking of  how to get customers online, know that there is no ironclad rule on the dos and don’ts. Therefore, your success most times depends on your flexibility to adjust in any of the marketing tools above.

You can subscribe to our channel for more posts on eCommerce, Meanwhile, you can check our post on 2020 profitable online business or our How To Maximize Passive Income Earnings from Profitable Online Business.

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