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Ways to Create an active Youtube Channel that will increase Monthly Income Passively



Do you own a V.Blog, a Youtube channel or a Website? do you know there are strategic ways to create an active Youtube channel that will increase your income totally. if you are looking for a way to start earning with your Youtube then you should consider reading this post so as to grab more information based on that.

However, this will not be easy because there are certain steps which you must follow to monetize your Youtube channel. this is because you cannot sit at home and receive notification that youtube needs your content.

Therefore you must ask yourself this questions; what can my youtube cahnnel do for me? do i have original or unique contents that i can use to monetize my youtube channel? what are the ways that i can follow to build up my youtube channel? what are the steps to take my contents to the public out there to see what my channel is all about?

Furthermore, after all the thinking above and running around to find solution to it, one can now ask his/herself the question below.

An effective way to Create 2021 Active YouTube Channel: As the Days keeps going to weeks and Weeks to Months and Months to Year that how YouTube Keep having New Channels and More Subscribers.

With all this fact and More which I will give in simple steps on how to Create 2020 Active YouTube Channel in a Blink of an eye once you have an Active Google Account…

An Active way to Create 2021 YouTube Channel

Youtube as we all should is one of the products of Google Inc and More you can see from the below review:

Learn More: The List of Google Product and free Services you Need

What is YouTube? …

Giving a simple and Clear Light on the above Question; What is YouTube? … Brings us to the deal on The Best way to Create 2021 Active YouTube Channel free of cost in less than 5 Minutes.

Well, as I earlier said; Youtube is a free online service from Google, where online users can and will watch, Download and also Upload Videos for all in the purpose of Entertainment. is the official web address from Google. and To of this Feature below are the features you can get from Youtube for a better entertainment Lifestyle.

Do you Love entertainment? … Be it Comedy, Music, Video Songs. Movies, Films and TV-shows and Series … All are what you get free of charge from Youtube Channels.

Meanwhile, Youtube is for every Body weather you have a Google Account or Not you can Access the Platform daily as you wish.

Quality of YouTube online TV Station/Channel

You Can create a free Google Account to Access and Sign up to YouTube in Seconds

Instant Notification from all free Subscription YouTube channels

YouTube is 100% free to Access Every Content

This Portal is a Completely free Google Service which you will enjoy more with Comment once you have a Google Account

om addition to that, YouTube Account Registration is free of Charge too

Download YouTube Content free of Charge

YouTube Has the Best Online Streaming Features that you Can easily navigate through.

How to Create 2021 Active Youtube Channel from beginning till End

firstly let us learn How To Make A YouTube Channel! (2019 Beginners Guide from start till Finish with Below steps) …

Start with the basics …

The first thing you’ll need to do is actually create your business channel, and YouTube makes it incredibly easy to do. However, with just a couple of clicks, you’ll be ready to dive into setting up your new channel.

See Also: How to Upload Your YouTube Videos Online – YouTube Video Channel (Ways to Create an active Youtube Channel)

  • Sign in to YouTube and click on the user icon at the top right of the screen
  • Click on the gear icon to get to your account’s YouTube Settings
  • Click on Create a new channel
  • Then choose “Use a business or other name”
  • Add your Brand name and click create

However to be able to fit in well in Youtube money making then you must do the below:

  • Have more than 1,000 subscribers.
  • Exceed 4,000 valid public watch hours over the last year (private, unlisted, or deleted videos don’t count).
  • Abide by YouTube’s monetization policies.
  • Be based in a country or region where the YPP is available.
  • Have a linked AdSense account

Add a YouTube Playlist using Wix Video: Want to keep your website visitors immersed in your video content? We have your back! With Wix Video, you can add a YouTube Playlist directly to your site with just a few clicks.

Sync your website with your YouTube Channel or Playlist: You can easily add a YouTube feed to your Wix Video widget. Every new video added to the channel or playlist you connect will be available in the Wix Video widget!

Watch Full Video Now!

People May also ask …

  • What are all the YouTube channels?
  • How many YouTubers have 1 million subscribers or more?
  • Who are the richest YouTubers?
  • How do you create a new channel on YouTube?
  • Who is the richest Youtuber?
  • How do you start a YouTube channel and get paid?
  • How do YouTubers get paid?
  • Can I have 2 YouTube channels?
  • How do you become a Youtuber for beginners?
  • How many subscribers do you need to get paid by YouTube?
  • Who is the best Youtuber?
  • How much does a Youtuber earn?

Here are a few tips for starting a successful YouTube channel

  • Plan Your Content. …
  • Arm Yourself with the Right Equipment. …
  • Look for Inspiration. …
  • Make Every Second Count. …
  • Start with Simple Editing Software. …
  • Optimize Your Videos. …
  • Build Your Network. …
  • Connect with Your Viewers.

NOTE: you are allowed to include only Videos with appropriate language, no violence, no adult content, or no controversial issues.

I will explain a few of the tips above

  1. plan your content: This is very much explainable, every youtube user should appear original and unique by their content video. this will make people like what you offer to them and always come back for more, it will also help you to monetize your content videos.
  2. Arm yourself with right equipment: This is very good if you can keep your contents in the right form.  make sure you follow up the policy guidelines for youtube monetization.

Read also:

  1. look for inspiration: This is another good step that can help you not to fall off your vision and goals, you can get books that will inspire you to work more harder or listen to inspirational voices that will motivate you. if you are motivated, you can do more and more better.
  2. make every second count: Take the youtube video channel as part of your job and therefore you should be serious with it. it can take you far if you are good at what you do. so make every second for video built up count in your life.
  3. connect with viewers: The videos you upload will be seen by the world, the viewers are the ones to watch, like and subscribe more for more video. what you need to do is to be original and try to get the interest of your viewers.
  4. simple editing software: Use a good equipment for video editing and publishing of content so as to remain in the digital world.

Summary: Analyze, optimize, repeat

Even the best can do better. Once you have a foothold on your channel, it’s time to get a bird’s-eye view of how it’s performing. YouTube Analytics will help you along the way and will guide you in the direction of how you may want to optimize your videos for the future.

Analytics will allow you to get insight into the people who are watching your videos, which allows you to hone into your target demographic even further. It’ll also give you a better idea as to why one video may have performed better than another. It’s a powerful tool for your budding channel.

Looking for a good example? Take a look at the Wix YouTube channel!

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