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How to Use Webinars to Sell Your Online Course in Easy Steps: Master the Techniques to be a Webinar Expert



If you have been long in the internet then you must have heard of webinar (How to Use Webinars to Sell Your Online Course) and the impacts it can create in your online business course to reach out to so many people. The webinar is technology that can help you ultimately once you are dealing with any course online. therefore on that note, this article gives a complete guide on how to use a webinar to sell your online course in easy steps? If you have courses online and looking for a way to market them and reach out to millions of people out there then you should consider a webinar and I guess this article will give you a little hint on the impact the tool can create.

How to Use Webinars to Sell Your Online Course

There is a greater possibility of you generating millions of dollars in sales from online courses, that is online course businesses. The question is how do you do this?

In many years to come, there will be competition in the internet space and for you to fit in reach out you need a good medium or channel. The channel to pass your message is using the webinar tool to reach your audience safely.

Webinars are still one of the best methods for generating sales for an online course so you need it in order to get the most out of these webinar sales opportunities.

With Webinar, you’re ready to sell your online course , share your expertise with the world but first you need an audience to sell to.

They offer you the chance to share your knowledge with more people but bring them into your marketing funnel. This is for the reason to turn them from attendees into course enrollees.

Using a Webinar as a Network Tool (How to Use Webinars to Sell Your Online Course)

First of all, before moving further we have to know that the online learning industry is fast rising fostering easy improvement in the online education sector.

If you’re a course creator already established in your space, then you have got a skill and what you should be thinking right now is how to manage such skill.

Webinars are extremely effective, especially for those who have gone for one or two web seminars, you’ve seen first-hand how effective they can be.

Content that actually helps your target audience will also allow you to build trust and position yourself as an authority.

You get to educate and interact with your audience by absolutely sharing some of your best content on a live webinar for free.

However, online courses are not the only thing you can sell on a webinar is open to sell consulting programs, live events, software, and physical products.

Webinar, if done correctly, be one of the most aspects of your sales funnel, also serve as one of the most effective lead generation tools.

Although there are endless ways to promote your online course, webinars is a good marketing channel you need to dramatically increase sales for your business.

In this article, I’m going to show you how to effectively make sales  on webinar and how to sell online courses on live webinars.

Finally, it is important that you understand how they work and what you need to do in order to be successful.

To sell courses online you can use webinars at different stages of the sales funnel, such as

  • Top of the funnel: Addressing a general theme, related to your content, to attract and generate leads;
  • Middle of the funnel: Addressing a specific topic, related to your content, to advance your leads through the sales funnel;
  • Bottom of the funnel: Run a live demo of your product to convert advanced leads into customers.

To Launch a Webinar take the Basic Steps Below

  • Create a Landing Page for subscription;
  • Promote the Landing Page by email and social media;
  • Create the event on Hangouts for the seminar (or another platform of your choice);
  • Email the event link to those who signed up.

What is a Webinar all About (How to Use Webinars to Sell Your Online Course)

Let’s start by know the origin of where the word “WEBINAR” comes out form…

Webinar comes from the words ‘web’ and ‘seminar’ used to describe a seminar that you run online, I hope that makes it more clearer.

A webinar is an online video seminar, which can be recorded and broadcast, main Webinar platforms are Youtube Live, Google Hangouts, WebinarJam and GoToWebinar.

Instructors use webinar periodically to offer qualified and interesting content  and teach classes in real time, with the possibility for viewers to interact through a chat.

A webinar is an online presentation used to sell various products, you can simply go back on the webpage later for playback.

It (Webinars) are incredibly useful combination of video and PowerPoint presentations that are displayed on website/landing page.

Some of the webinar programs

  • Zoom
  • Google Hangouts
  • eWebinar
  • Go To Webinar
  • Easy Webinar
  • Webinar Jam

Email marketing service providers to help out

  • AWeber
  • Get Response
  • MailChimp
  • Convert Kit
  • Active Campaign
  • Infusionsoft

Webinar Equipment (How to Use Webinars to Sell Your Online Course)

This are software and equipment required to host a live webinar, a specific programs and equipment you use to host your webinar.

You will need a program to host your webinar, an account with an email marketing service provider. Also, a microphone and webcam to communicate with your audience.

You will need a computer or a laptop with a strong internet connection , your target is overall webinar marketing strategy.

How to Use Webinars to Sell Your Online Course in Easy Steps

So if you have gotten to this point then you are about to know the steps on how to use webinar to market your course online.

1. Get to Make a Research on Your Audience

You know the audience is the best [part in this business and they are whop you need to make sure your content is marketable. Without the audience no one can be able to view your course or even subscribe to them.

The fact is that to make this possible, always know and understand your audience, make your course content more quality to keep them coming.

Consequently, it’s a good idea to create a customer persona before you do anything else, discover the pain points they are facing, and learn about their goals.

Reasons why some people won’t buy the product or service you offer:

  • They don’t believe that the course is the right solution for them
  • They believe what you are offering is the best solution, but they don’t think they will have success
  • There is some external factor that is holding them back from making the purchase

2. Try to know and Shake off Competition (How to Use Webinars to Sell Your Online Course)

Just like this post has constantly mention so far, competition will come up really soon because the internet space is open for everyone also you are not the only person into the business.

This means there will be other people offering similar courses to you, pay attention to each of these factors as it will play a role in how you position your course.

To be good in the competitive analysis section, you should know the important movers and shakers in your niche is a good market strategy.

Know how much their product costs, and what they are offering it will be a good factor for competition and you can know where to start from.

Furthermore, you should know about positioning which can help your content is unique, positioning the course in this way removes 90% of the competition.

By Position I mean, writing a good SEO content with valid, valid links to get traffic. A new approach to achieving their goals, this will help your students or viewers to do very well.

3. Create an Effective Marketing Funnel

As using webinar is part of your business and something that will help you to market your product or courses, you need proper care and improvement.

Engage and make your webinar is a standard webinar funnel that starts with PPC ads, and ends on a sales page. There is a lot of successful entrepreneurs who rely on webinars to sell their online courses.

4. Make sure your Leeds are worth it (How to Use Webinars to Sell Your Online Course)

You sell out good contents that attracts more audience, have a unique approach to selling, but follow a similar framework.

Many of these experts share their frameworks through expensive online courses.

A) start with your origin story, establish your expertise, and make yourself relatable.

B) Pour your heart, showing more on the experience and pains you pass through in writing the content. Let the public know what you have to offer through tough times.

C) Inspire your audience with case studies of people who have graduated the course and achieved success.

D) you can decide to talk more about the benefits of purchasing your course or product and what they stand to gain. This can really go a long way for more purchase.

E) If there are any doubt, try to encourage and give more reasons why those doubts are invalid.

5. Finally, create an Effective Sales Page

This is the final step, and here you really need to know how to use this page more effectively for more sales conversion.

Since this is the last page in your webinar funnel, you can think of this page as the one that gives the final thought so you have to make it right.

Your sales page needs to create more awareness and what your students will receive if they purchase your course now.

If you get to put a good design and more improvement here you will gain more audience and more sales output, so just do your best.

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