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How Can I make a Better Relationship: Practical ways to make it unique



Are you in pains or Heart Broken? There are things which you don’t Do for your Partner that to better your Relationship, however on this page, you will learn how to gain a better Relationship for you and your partner.

I can make a Better Relationship

It’s True that Better Relationship(s) are not easy to come by but that didn’t mean that you and I can’t find or make a Great relationship today.

With the Need to gain a better and sincere and truthful relationships, we have the look down this page to read on the Basic 5 rules we need to better our relationships on the Go.

5 Rules to Make Better Relationship

Here are the Five rule to make a better relationship

  1. Stay faithful
  2. Make them feel wanted
  3. Respect your partner
  4. Don’t flirt with others
  5. Make time them

Do you know that a life Without Love is not Complete? … Prove me rule if you can using the Comment box Below.

Well, there is popular stay that goes like this “God is Love and Love is God”. Even from the Commandments of God is still said “Love your Neighbor as your self“. Well, Love can travel very far on air no matter the distance.

Now, let take it step by step on the  five rules you need to Know …

Stay Faithful (Better Relationship)

Are you Faithful to your Partner? … See, what happens when you feel there is not need to be faithful in your relationship.

Once unfaithfulness is the order of the day in your Relationship, You and your Partner will never be happy even for a minute. Making it very difficult to share things together.

Do you know what Unfaithfulness will cost you in life and in your relationship? … this fact is so bad that even other feeling the Bad air your your relationship will even be Like “She or He did it to her or him self. so let him or she face it Full Time”.

Well, no matter how things Go back in your relationship note that Nothing Good Comes Easy. It is true that No man is perfect and you can make a better relationship on the go with the Five ingredients that can make a better Relationship.

Make them feel wanted

it is Nice to make the once We love feel Wanted always. that is why no matter how Good or Bad we are you can always Make our selves better and wanted by Others simply by making them feel the need of Them in our lives.

Once of the best part in every relationship should be how Much do you need or Want your Partner in the time of Good and bad Moment.

Respect your partner

Just Like Giving Ceaser what belongs to him and to God what belong to him. Well, God and Ceaser are not Comparable but I just wish to make you Understand that No matter how big or small you think your Partner is to you, He or She Need Absolute Respect from you.

However, respect is a reciprocal is a tag meaning that once you respect another, then, in-return you will still gain your Own respect in Full Time.

Just as my first lover, who happen to later marry another do to inpatient. Well, I Got absolute 95% respect from her do to the way I give her respect. Well, she still calls and miss me even now she is married to another.

Meanwhile, i tell you so sincerely that with respect and you gain a great and sincere relationship without much troubles.

Don’t flirt with others (Better Relationship)

What is Flirt or Flirting? …

This Act Flirting is not just Good because it has more to Bounce back negatively on to the Subject. making him or  her loos a lot at the long Run.

Flirt is will known if you call it Cheating, this act in it’s process is Flirting which is the process of Having intimate Feeling and other affectionate activities with another that is not your Partner.

However, your partner may or mayn’t be aware of the Activate so far but the sign will was be there no matter how long you pretend to be okay with him or her.

What Flirting can Cause you in a relationship

  1. Feeling of not wanting your partner
  2. No respect are such to your partner
  3. Bad Attitude to him or her
  4. Act of Avoiding him or her
  5. She or He may start Irritating you

Do make it a point of duty that you stick to one partner so as to understand where your issues or problems are coming from. Meanwhile, avoid this Act of Flirt can help you avoid the contraction of disease.

Make time them

How long do you have to spend with your Partner? … making out time to be with him or her can go a long way in making your relationship a better one.

Time is money as they say and this time is very spacial to us as human to achieve what ever we need in life. Then, why not making out time to be with your Partner so as to improve the value and the strength of the relationship.

However, in the Bible we hear that Money is answers all things and still in the same Bible we still read that Money is the Root of all evil.

What i have for you; Don’t let your Quest for Money affect your Relationship for Money without Love can be funny at time.

Moreover, you may be thinking you will get all you want or wish once you have made the money. Sincerely speaking dear, some times it may fall back on you in a way that the whole may may not mean which to you.

Where can i Find a sincere Partner (Better relationship Sites)?

Are you seeking for the best online Dating sites where you can Join free of charge and still find a sincere and lovely life Time Partner? … we have the solution which you seek just as you can Join any of the Following Dating portals:

  1. Plenty of Fish(POF) US Dating site
  2. Lovoo German Dating site

In Summary

Are you Over boarder-ed? … Make your sincere and awesome practice as this Post gives you the Full 5 basic Rules to gain a great and awesome relationship.

Well, there are still some Lessons people learn from relationship and I recommend you to read it more here:

Do make your Comment and Questions and Suggestions in the Box below and Better still you can Contact us for more details.

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