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Google Solution Challenge: The GSC Challenge for Students across the Globe



The world today evolves wit new changes and most of them come wit what technology has to offer , however a part of this technology is Google; this is why students across the globe have been able to sort out different problems by making use of google solution challenge. No matter how tough or bad the situation is, Google seems to help out with the solution as the students get more experience using google product services.

If you are a student and you feel more happy to be part of the Google program then this is your chance to have a Google experience with Google developers.

This year (2021), the  Solution Challenge mission is to solve for one or more of the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development.

Students all over the world that engages in this challenge will be able to move higher in their careers and they can also do more by practicing.

Google calls on college or university students from all over the world develop multi-solutions for the given set of problems.

Furthermore, students see their problems being tackled and developed using the Google technologies  that best suits it. This challenge is being hosted by Google developers.

Hint: The challenge this year comes in form of Google Developer Student Clubs Solution Challenge 2021

A little Info about Google

Firstly, Google was founded in September 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, two Ph.D. students at Stanford University in California.

The ‘Google’ is one of the best technology developed so far as it helps to solve some human problems by providing solutions in its own way.

Therefore, Google is a American multinational technology company that specializes in Internet-related services and products.

As a big company, Google is being rated among the best with Amazon, Apple, and Facebook. Most of its services include- search engine, cloud computing, online advertising technologies,  software, and hardware.

What is the challenge all about?

Just like we say that the challenge is for every student that is interested, its aim is to develop solutions to problems available.

In addition to that, the Challenge is an annual contest presented by Developer Student Clubs (DSC). Also, using Google products or platforms, solutions can be derived to solve problems.

Why you should register for this challenge (Google Solution Challenge)

  • Firstly, to become a part of the worldwide student community  especially when engage in the Developer Student Clubs (DSC).
  • It helps you as a student to analyze your technical skills and learn how to approach a solution to any problem.
  • Learning continues and so you will learn about various Google technologies and learn how to work with them.
  • A sweet experience and  mentorship from developers at Google to improve your solution to the problem.
  • On good performance, student will receive global recognition, solution features on Google Developers Blog.

Aim and Benefits of the Challenge

  1. Top 10 finalists: The selected top 10 Wins a 1 year subscription to Pluralsight, swag, additional customized mentoring from Google. Also, a feature in the Google Developers Blog and Demo Day live on YouTube.
  2. Top 50 teams: The students will receive mentorship from Google and other experts to improve and submit a solution for the top prize. emoji_events
  3. Top 3 winners: If you are here, then you are enjoying the most benefits. You get to Win all the prizes included in the Top 10 category, along with a Chromebook and a coffee chat with a Google executive.

Optional FAQ for Google Solution Challenge 

We will consider two categories here: impact and technology

IMPACT  (Google Solution Challenge)

  • Test confirmation, Is there evidence that the solution has been thoroughly tested with real users?
  • Does the entry establish a clear challenge focused on one or more of the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals? Does the explanation appear clearly with specific Sustainable Development Goal targets they are looking to solve for?
  • How positively does the solution address the challenge identified by the team?
  • Is there evidence of a next level? However, if the team is to continue, do you think they display a plan for future extension?
  • Is there evidence that the solution will be treat upon based on user feedback?

TECHNOLOGY  (Google Solution Challenge)

  • In solving the challenge, Do you think the solution implement all the technical components?
  • Was the team able to explain this concept on what Google technology they used, why, and included guidance on how to run their code?
  • Does the video demonstration show the working solution and how a user will interact with the solution?
    Does the demonstration highlight how Google’s technologies appear and also mention the value the technology provides the users?
  • Has the team made strategic product and technical decisions for their solution?

Read also:

What are the types of problem statements in this challenge?

Agreeing upon these 17 Sustainable Development Goals with an aim to end poverty, ensure prosperity, & protect the planet. below are the 17 UN target:

  1. Sustainable Cities
  2. Clean Water & Sanitation
  3. Decent Work & Economic Growth
  4. Quality Education
  5. Reduced Inequalities
  6. No Poverty
  7. Life on Land
  8. Good Health & Well being.
  9. Zero Hunger
  10. Partnerships
  11. Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions
  12. Affordable & Clean Energy
  13. Industry, Innovation, & Infrastructure
  14. Life Below Water
  15. Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment
  16. Responsible Consumption & Production
  17. Climate Action

Eligibility criteria (Google Solution Challenge)

  • Age: This should be in consideration, students attending should be 18 years and above, in the country, state, province. in Taiwan, student should be at least 20 years old  at the time of entry.
  • Invitation: All University Students around the World are free to join the competition with Google Developer Student Clubs.
  • Participation: be part of the Developer Student Club community on your university or college campus.
  • Resident: not a resident of Brazil, Quebec, Crimea, Cuba, Iran, Syria, North Korea, or Sudan) or;
  • not a person or entity under U.S. export controls or sanctions.

How to register and participate in this challenge?

Focus on the steps below to know how to register and participate.

  1. Firstly, you have to join the DSC if you are not a member. you should do this if it exists at your college/university.
  2. After that, you can officially register for this challenge.
  3. Form a good team (maximum up to 4 students). Your team should have people with different technical & soft skills with at least one member from the college/university of the DSC you’re a part of.
  4. Select one United Nations Sustainable Development Goal out of 17.
  5. Identify your solution to the problem, you can use this tool to validate your solution before you start working on your solution, you can also watch this video “How to identify a solution?”.
  6. Design the frontend interface and backend technology for your solution to the problem. get more instructions from the developer.
  7. Now it’s time to test your solution/product that you have built, share your working solution with all your friends, family members, and other students, and ask them for their valuable feedbacks.
  8. Work more and improve your solution based on the feedback you received while testing the work.
  9. The last work before submitting your solution for the evaluation, record a 2 minutes demo video of your final working solution, you can take help from the last year’s demo videos of the top 10 solutions of the DSC Solution Challenge.
  10. Fill the official form:
  11. This is it, Now submit your final solution for the evaluation by filling out the form above.


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