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Apply to UoPeople Scholarship 2021 for International and African Students



Today many African students who wants to study abroad can easily go for the university of people in America, that is why I brought this information on the ways to apply to UoPeople scholarship 2021 for all international students. The university offers a free tuition course study, it also UoPeople offers the opportunity to pursue a high quality and invaluable American degree.

UoPeople Origin and build up process

The University was founded by an educational entrepreneur, Shai Reshef in 2009. UoPeople world’s first tuition-free, non-profit, American accredited, online university.

Also, the university offers two-year associate and four-year bachelor’s degree programs in business administration, health science and computer science, as well as an MBA program.

Furthermore, UoPeople (university of the people) offers the opportunity to pursue a high quality and recognizable American degree.

It might interest you to know that the University of The People is a private distance education with its headquarters in Pasadena, California. It  Due to its online distance learning nature and consequently to that, it has no campus.

So, students can freely study from any part of the world, choose a course of choice, take online exams and then graduate at the end of study program.

Students must be 16 years or above to be able to demonstrate high school completion and have English proficiency (A certificate in English).

Scholarship details

University of the People: Bachelors Degree

Deadline: 27 Feb/27 Mar 2021 (annual)

Study in:  Any Country (online)

Application starts 8 April 2021

Host institution: UoPeople

Official Scholarship Website:

UoPeople Full Scholarships List of all available scholarships:

Simone Biles Legacy Scholarship Fund – open to all students, especially for those who have been in foster care.

Emergency Refugee Assistance Scholarship Fund – for refugees refugees and asylum seekers

Foundation Hoffmann Scholarship – open to all students

UoPeople General Scholarship – open to all students both citizens and international students

Students tuition:  students pay only an assessment fee at the end of each course ($120 for undergraduate and $240 for graduate studies).

More about UoPeople (Apply to UoPeople Scholarship)

Due to the fact that is a distance learning and an online learning university as well,  the University is often tagged as the “Education Revolution”.  it is the first a tuition-free American accredited online school.

Therefore, UoPeople adopts a learning system of education based on formalized teaching but with the aid of electronic resources.

Yes in UoPeople you must know that it involves an online course accessed via the web. The Internet forms the major catalyst for learning in this method.

Therefore, studies here is based on virtual basis or virtual classroom, as there are no physical structures like traditional universities.

A new program was set up online (Master of Education (M.Ed.) launched by the University of the People (UoPeople) and the International Baccalaureate (IB). it is a free tuition fee as well.

So if you are thinking of accreditation of the university let me inform you about this; the university has accreditation by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).

UoPeople entrance is very easy and does not require a high standard exam before being admitted rather students can apply so far they meet up with requirements.

The school also sets to establish qualified students all over the world via higher education making students to stand firm in the society.

Read also: 

Admission requirements

  • Earn a grade of B (3.00) or better in the capstone project/course.
  • Complete a minimum of 39 approved credits.
  • Complete the nine (9) core courses with a grade of (2.00) or better in each course.
  • Earn an overall CGPA of 2.50 or higher for all graduate-level coursework completed.
  • Complete a minimum of three (3) approved graduate elective courses with a grade of C (2.00) or better in each course.Complete all requirements for the M.Ed. in no more than 25 terms of active enrollment including any periods of separation from the University.

Complete Study Programs and Technique of the UoPeople Scholarship

  1. Programs in the school: the school offers this programs and ore for the students, they offer 4 degree programs. students have opportunity for 2 years Associate, 4 years bachelor degree in computer and an associate or bachelors in business administration.,
  2. Eligibility: students can easily apply for the scholarship here. you need an English proficiency test result before being accepted, must be 18 years and above. have good grade results from previous institution.
  3. Admission: just like we mention earlier that entering the school is easy, you can apply today and stand a chance of becoming a student in Uopeople. the admission is both online and offline, yes online because you will fill up the forms and personal details of you online then offline is that you will submit your requirements to the UoPeople’s office.
  4. Mode of teaching: lectures and exams are online. you can attend class online and this method is for all students.
  5. School target: they train students in a free tuition method and help students to develop academic qualification that can help them stand firmly in the society tomorrow. they have a good standard of learning making students to develop more in their academic pursuit.
  6. Class: classes are online
  7. Application: there are many links to official website i listed here in this article. find any of them and click to visit the official website.

What you Need to Do During any Online Application

There guides you need to Follow in order to Achieve a Maximum Result from every online Form you Apply for and the below list will put you through:

Maintain Single Profile – Don’t make thing hard for yourself by making your registration with multiple profiles which will will have problems while trying to Verify or claim your Award

Instructions – Its true that people don’t read instructions and it will be very bad of you not to read instructions before Applying for any online Application.

Legal and Correct details –  If you are not sure of the details you are using please kindly verify before Adding them to your Application because once the Application again Approval you can’t claim the Award

Enquirer –  Do ask question on some unclear part of your registration be fore you proceed with it.

Subscribers – Make it a point of Duty to Join the email subscribers in order to get daily update about your Application

Follow up – make it a point of Duty to follow up your Application from start to finish in order to gain Approval

Validation – Make your registration and with valid documents to enable easy approval

Recommendation –  Make us of document under recommendation from the Application form both format and size.

(Apply To) Scholarship with the UoPeople University 

So, let’s look at the various scholarship that the UoPeople can offer to students especially international students who needs it mostly.

Just as we all know that the University Of The People is a tuition-free school, it is also an online study program. UoPeople Students are only ask to pay a $100 assessment fee at the end of each course.

They are link by volunteers, open educational resources, open-source technology, and peer-to-peer learning. Below are the various scholarships for students in the university.

  • Simone Biles Legacy Scholarship Fund: Open to all students with priority for those who have been in foster care.
  • Emergency Refugee Assistance Scholarship Fund: For refugees and asylum seekers.
  • Foundation Hoffman Scholarship: Open to all students.
  • UoPeople General Scholarship: Open to all students.

Note: Are you Eligible to Apply? … Also, you can share this page with your friends and other Scholars seeking to travel and study or work aboard under Scholarship by University of the People. More of the information abut this application is found on the office website portal for the sponsorship program and you can visit there on the go Today.



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