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Internship in Africa for International Students: African work opportunity



If you are an African student or scholars and your undergraduate studies are in Africa then you might consider taking up an internship in African. African’s education is gradually improving to a great length and as an intern there are so many other good benefits you will enjoy in Africa aside from studies alone. There are many intern programs in Africa students can enjoy which can come with payment or not.

If you are confused of what an internship is, then let me throw a little light on it. An internship is an opportunity offered by an employer to potential employees, to work at a firm or organization for a specific period of time.

However, most internships last between a month and three months to 1 year, Interns are usually undergraduates or students.

Internships are usually part-time if offered during a university semester and full-time if offered during the vacation periods.

A good benefit of an internship is workplace experience, quality practical skills, , and greater knowledge of that industry, good communication and meeting top professionals.

For example: considering the Africa Division of Human Rights offering Africa Division Internship Program for summer 2021. The program is open to law students, graduate students, or undergraduate students.

With this opportunity, Interns will focus on Human Rights Watch projects, take the skills acquired in school and apply them in a professional setting.

Info about Africa Intern setting (Internship in Africa)

Africa is one of the most natural, vast, complex and beautiful continents on Earth having impressive landscapes, and diverse cultural heritage. Africa is an exciting place to gain international work experience as an intern scholar from any country.

The internship is an opportunity that is offered by an employer to scholars, undergraduates, or new graduates and they are known as interns.

Students will have a chance to participate in lectures, training, professional development workshops and special events related to human rights.

Intern in Africa allows interns not only an immense opportunity to learn, but also to make a lasting impact in their area of choice.

Also, the aim of our internship programs are to help you develop new skills, gain valuable work experience and give something back to the communities.

In addition to that, the people of Africa live will enjoy adventure and opportunity, making it perfect place for young professionals seeking for creative muscles.

These interns work at a firm or Company for a fixed period of time, usually 1-6 months. Internships are usually part-time if given during a university semester and full-time if given during the vacation periods.

Is it safe to intern in Africa?

Yes, is safe and it feels good and incredible doing internships in Africa. We take our interns’ safety and comfort throughout their internship seriously making sure interns are safe at their placements.

Procedures Africans can use to secure an Internship

To find an internship opportunity around the world is always not easy, however below are the different procedure that can help you.

  • Identify Your Career Focus: This is very important as a student who wishes to acquire knowledge at the internship program thinking mostly how that might play into your future career.
  • Search online for available internship: This is another good step, all aspiring scholars can search online for adverts for interns. Some of these internship programmes list their eligibility criteria and how to apply them.
  • Network: Channel link, you meet and seek advice from people who have gone through this internship either family, friends, college advisors or career counselors in your school.
  • Attend Career Fairs: Top employers attend career fairs to recruit and hire talented interns and employees and above all, be sure to follow up with any recruiters you meet at a fair.
  • Make good contact with various Employers

 Reasons you should take up an internships in Africa 

  • Low cost of living: Most African countries are super friendly and cheap as long as you don’t plan on living like a king. It will be very good here because exchange rates will likely work in your favor.
  • It’s a great time to be on the continent: There will be news of entertainment, innovation, development, perseverance, and achievements. Think Whatsapp meetings and climate change, dynamic stuff happening  in Togo, South Africa, Kenya.
  • Africa internships stand out from the bunch: Most internship opportunities in Africa are still relatively new. Plus, a lot of folks have misconceptions and fears about living in Africa.
  • You’ll gain a fresher perspective: Real time interactions in Africa will give you new feeling. You’ll leave with a better understanding of Africa’s challenges and a more humanistic understanding of the people.
  • For the culture. Listen. There are over 300 African tribes and an estimated 1,500-2,000 languages. That’s a whole lot of music, food, landscapes, and cultural practices to explore.

Internships In Africa

  • MTN pulse internship: A proposition built for young people in Uganda with the aim to give them the power to be themselves and unleash their full potential. Through this initiative, MTN looks to empower the youth, with career placement and advice.
  • VACorps Professional Internship Programs 
    • Popular locations: Cape Town
    • Popular projects:  Shadow a successful South African entrepreneur at their startup, learn web design at a graphic design firm, work alongside doctors in lower income communities, cover South African politics at a local media center.
  • UNICEF Internship Programme: offers qualified students the chance to acquire direct practical experience in UNICEF’s work. The UNICEF internship duration is usually between six (6) and twenty-six (26) weeks. The goal of the UNICEF internship program is to give practical experience in the field of international development with a focus on protecting the basic rights of children, under the direct supervision of a senior staff member of the organization.
  • Cross-Cultural Solutions (Internship in Africa)
    • Popular locations: Ghana
    • Popular projects: Health outreach to kids in rural Ghanaian communities.
  • The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) internship programme: This is open to young men and women who want to share their ideas and latest researches with FAO. The internship program is made available to undergraduate students and postgraduate students.
  • Experiential Learning International (ELI)
    • Popular locations: Kenya, Benin, Uganda, South Africa
    • Popular projects: Tutor deaf children through sign language at a Kenyan school for the deaf, community initiated development work in rural Kenya, write, edit, and film at a media outlet in Benin, lead financial and literacy workshops with Ugandan women
  • GEI Rwanda, Mental Health Internships: This internship program is co-hosted by GEI and the Center for Mental Health (CMH) at the University of Rwanda and placements are made available to students and professionals. The internship brings people of different levels together to share their knowledge and skills with selected local host institutions and organizations.
  • Global Vision International (GVI)
    • Popular locations: Ghana, South Africa, Seychelles
    • Popular projects: Teach English or math to school kids in Ghana, give music and arts classes to special needs kids in a coastal Cape Town village, work with the Seychelles Environmental Conservation to collect data on endangered species.
  • Interswitch Nigeria Engineering internship program for young Nigerian developers: Interswitch internship is open to young Nigerian developers who are below the age of 30. These young men and women will come together to share their innovative ideas and work closely with professionals at Interswitch.
  •  African Impact (Internship in Africa)
    • Popular locations: South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Tanzania
    • Popular projects: Holistic horse management on a Zimbabwean stable, enriching the lives of foster children in Cape Town through youth development, assisting a gender equality program in Zambia, building sustainable tourism development in rural Tanzanian communities.


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